I have been involved in tutoring for many years and I really love what I do. The first and foremost factor for me is to help people, achieve their goals through a pleasant and constructive process! Every difficulty represents a challenge we must overcome and I am proud to say that I have reached an almost perfect percentage of success in every student i worked with. It is something that offers the utmost satisfaction and it gives me great power to keep moving forward! I have dealt with many degrees in the English language and I can be of a great assistance. Being a life coach and a psychologist also plays an important role in the educational procedure and the way the challenges are faced.
My primary objective is to help people achieve their goals and I really love what I do!! I have an extensive experience in tutoring and i can be of a great assistance.
15 years and above
The need and desire to help people is what gave me the drive to be involved in tutoring and to keep doing that with enthusiasm and dedication.
After a prolonged period of dealing with students of different backgrounds and needs, I have summoned the experience to be able to meet the expectations of the people who choose me and help them in any way possible. The diplomas in Life Coaching and Psychology give a great assistance in this process.
- I teach people in Groups
- I can provide my own notes for the course